Friday, July 4, 2014

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.

Growing up I always knew deep down inside that I had a younger ½ sister. She is 3 yrs. younger than I am. We had the same biological father but different birth mothers. I never cared though because to me she was MY baby sister. I only knew her a short time before my younger brother and I were put up for adoption at ages 3 & 4. Once adopted at ages 4 & 5, we never spoke of her again. It was as if she never existed. I honestly do not think my younger brother remembered her at all and all I could recall was her being "the other daughter who was loved more than I was." However, deep down I longed for her and I longed for the relationship with my "mom" like she had. Yes, you could say I was very envious of her as a child… my childish way of thinking SHE was the wanted one and my brother and I were the hated ones.
Years went by and I would think about her from time to time and wonder how she was and wonder if she and I looked alike or if she thought about me and/or if my birth father ever spoke of me to her. I would lay on the grass outside and stare up at the clouds and daydream that she was doing the exact same thing I was at the exact same time I was doing it. I just never spoke to my a-parents about it out of fear of hurting their feelings and being sent back to a bad place, (which I know NOW would have NEVER EVER have happened) but that's what I thought at the time. Life as an #adoptee isn't always easy and there is no rule book out there telling any of us how to do this!

You may be far away from me physically but you are never far from me mentally cause you are always on my mind and in my heart.

Then one day something GLOURIOUS happened (in my eyes anyways) my grandma (my a-moms mom) decided we were going to take a trip to visit her family in another state, which just so happened to be the state my birth fathers family lived in along with my baby sister. Without my mother knowing my grandmother took my brother and I for a visit to see our birth fathers family. I was 13!!! After all the years of wondering and day dreaming not so much about my birth father but my sister, we were on our way. I was as nervous as a flea on dip day. I do believe my grandma called my a-mom the night before to tell her we were going…not too sure how that went but I was 13 I didn't care!!!
We arrived at my paternal grandmothers house and it was packed FULL of people. Talk about overwhelming. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, my birth father, the wicked Step mother and then there she was MY SISTER. With tears running down my face she was the first one I went to and hugged. I don't even know if she remembered me or not but it was an instant bond but then all of a sudden I look up and there is this red headed freckle faced boy looking at me that looks a whole lot like my younger brother that was adopted with me..I couldn't believe my eyes I had another younger brother.. wow, this was almost to much for me to take in at one time. In the middle of the living room was a cake that said "Welcome Home" with my brother and I's name on it.

"Sisters are for sharing, laughter and wiping tears."


For the most part of that day us kids stayed in the back room of my nana's house (paternal grandma) and got to know one another even the cousins. I made a promise to my sister that day that when I turned 18 I would come back and find her and my other younger brother. I recall the shirt I was wearing and everything like it was yesterday. She as me questions and I asked her questions…..we talked and talked.. our birth father took us to dairy queen and then it came time to say our goodbyes…

"Close to my heart youll be, sisters forever you and me."


It was hard very hard. But there was a promise of tomorrow between us kids. A promise I kept.

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