Friday, June 21, 2013

The Adoption

It has taken me a while after my last post to bring myself to write another one... recalling my childhood is never an easy task. So here it goes

The abuse continued to get worse as the days went on. My brother and I continued to suffer at the hands of this evil women. She would fill the bathtub with water and mop the floor and then take me and hold my head under the water under until I was gasping and fighting for air. My baby brother in the background crying because he was scared backed into a corner and the next thing I know I was able to come up for air but she has taken him beat him senseless and tied him to the bed and left him there. 

Somehow we were taken to our paternal Aunts house where I made an outcry for help. I told her what was going on. She kept my brother and I and was going to let us stay but my father starting making her life hell. Needless to say she called 911 and CPS was called in. Long story short..My wicked Step mother (who had had another daughter by now) was in parenting classes and my father was told by child protective services that he had to make a choice between his wife (our wicked abusive step mother) and her daughter or my brother and I. He could not do both and we were not to be in the house with her period. WHAT A CHOICE FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO MAKE..... He made it alright. He choose HER & my 1/2 SISTER..... so my brother and I were put up for adoption at age 3 and 4. 

One of my Aunts knew of a couple in their church who was looking to adopt so the couple was told about my brother and I and the "private" adoption took place. By the age of 4 and 5 we were officially adopted. 

So this is how I came to be adopted. There is sooo much more to my journey but for now I need to process my thoughts and I pray this helps someone....until next time
